No one told me about the miraculous healing properties of coconut oil until late in my adolescent life.

I had a friend who would completely douse herself in a bottle of the clear liquid each morning and night, and she had the right idea: coconut oil is, in all seriousness, magical.

You can use coconut oil as a shaving cream, a moisturizer, to reduce the appearance of stretch marks (best used in combination with Vaseline), a cuticle rejuvenate, a hair follicle stimulator (who doesn’t want fuller brows? At seventeen, I did!), a makeup remover, and exfoliator (when mixed with brown sugar), a quick fix to lifeless hair (massage it through the scalp and leave in overnight with hair tied up in a bun, then wash it out in the morning), etc…

The list goes on, and on, and on, as it should: coconut oil has a wide range of uses and is an incredible multi-purpose addition to a beauty routine, but it’s also inexpensive and smells lovely, which is a double win.